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Get inspired on your wellness journey

Updated: Apr 23, 2022

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. As a competitor for Ms. Health & Fitness 2022, each day I will share something I have learned on my journey to wellness. If I inspire and motivate you on your journey please take a moment to vote. It's quick, it's easy and best of all, it's free. Then come back each day to read more.

why read this blog?

Hello! I am so happy you are here! I hope that the experiences I share in this blog help inspire you on your own journey to wellness. Let me start by telling you how I got here and why you should read this blog. If you find value in this blog I would love for you to take a moment to vote following the link below and return and read more or share with a friend.

Over the last decade I have come to believe myself to be a warrior in wellness which is why I have the word tattooed in the shaft of an arrow on my forearm. It is also why the over-arching theme of my wellness journey, health coaching and books is all about finding the warrior within you. One definition of the word warrior is a brave or experienced fighter and I believe we can all find the fighter within us and be warriors for our own wellness. I have a story to tell. We all have a story to tell. And it is how we let our story impact who we are that really defines us. My story is not much different from others.

I did not wake up like this. I struggled with my weight most of my adult life after having my son at the age of 24. I found myself in an abusive marriage I didn't know how to get out of. I didn't know the importance of a positive mindset, nor did I realize at the time that I had control of my happiness. It took me 20 years to find the opportunity and courage to leave. I was defeated, overweight, beaten down, had no self esteem, was a smoker, a single mom and broke. 10 years ago I was a completely different person. It took letting my guard down, allowing myself to be vulnerable, letting the right people in, learning to say no to negative people and situations and learning to put myself first and not feel guilty about it to get where I am today.

When I finally had enough self awareness to know I needed help with my fitness I joined the gym. And as I moved through my journey and saw myself making progress and changing I began writing a blog. That blog inspired me to write my book and is the best way for anyone who wants to know more to really see where I started. Read my original blog HERE.

what you can expect...

This new blog will share my experiences along this journey, what I learned and maybe inspire you on your journey. For each daily post I will talk such things as redefining happiness, having a positive mindset, being more mindful, finding time for you, making the shift from victim to champion mindset, looking at failure as opportunity, and having an attitude of gratitude. I hope you find value in what I have to share and consider voting for me for Ms. Health & Fitness.

Come back tomorrow for more inspiration

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