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6 Reasons why if you are a woman in your 40's or 50's you need to be lifting

It's not too late and you are not too old.

A woman’s 40’s and 50’s can quite literally be the best years of her life if done right. At 53, I have heard so many women I know complain about weight gain, autoimmune disorders, menopausal symptoms, fatigue and overall feeling older.

It doesn’t have to be that way. And lifting is the remedy to a lot of that. I mean if you have a medical condition, of course, consult your doctor before starting any exercise program But here are 6 reasons why women in their 40’s & 50’s need to be lifting…

1. Decreases Muscle Loss

On average, sedentary women lose between 3 to 8 percent of their muscle every decade after 30 years old, with the decline increasing during perimenopause and post-menopause.

2. Increases Bone Density

After 40, women lose an average of 0.4% bone density per year. Decreased bone density can lead to osteoporosis, especially post-menopause. Lifting weights actually makes your bones stronger. Heavy resistance training helps build stronger bones.

"Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind." ~ Jackie Joyner-Kersee

3. Increases Functional Movement

Lifting can help improve physical function in simple everyday activities like carrying in groceries, getting down on the floor to play with the kids, walking up the stairs, or carrying a heavy item.

4. Improves Quality of Life

Having strong muscles lowers the risk of pain in our backs, shoulders and necks.

5. Mitigates Weight Gain

As we age, we tend to move less. A common misconception is that cardio is the way to go for weight loss. While cardio is important for overall heart health, lifting weights is the best option for mitigating the middle age weight gain.

6. Improves your cardiovascular and general health.

Resistance training improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood pressure, reduces visceral (deep belly) fat, and improves immunity.

Start slowly...

 If you’re new to strength training, it’s important to work your way into big lifts to avoid injury. Start by focusing on mobility and stability. When you can perform the exercises with full range of motion without weight, you’re ready to start slowly adding weight.

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