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Even slow progress is progress

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. As a competitor for Ms. Health & Fitness 2022, each day I will share something I have learned on my journey to wellness. If I inspire and motivate you on your journey please take a moment to vote. It's quick, it's easy and best of all, it's free. Then come back each day to read more.

Progress only happens when you keep going

"It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you implement that effort into your life, every, single, day, that's where transformation happens. That's when change occurs. So just keep going."

Once we get started on a wellness journey it is so important to keep going. So many of us get the motivation to start a journey, put in the work and then when we don't see results right away we stop, give up or just lose interest. When someone asks me how I stay motivated I tell them I don't. I stay committed. Motivation can get you started but it is commitment that will keep you going. Knowing why you started in the first place and keeping the vision of your why in mind help. But the commitment to ourselves is what matters in the long run. When we put in the effort to better ourselves, every, single, day we begin to see changes. Sometimes those changes are small or slow going but it is still progress.

Just imagine this. Time is going to pass whether we like it or not. Which would you prefer? See slow progress in one year or be right where you are today in one year?

Be patient and the results will come

The key in to self improvement is in the wanting. You need to want to change and get better more than you want to stay the same. And if you want it bad enough you will find a way to stay committed and be patient as results come over time. With patience comes the ability to enjoy the process.

Our journeys will not be perfect. In fact, it is practically impossible to be perfect. Perfection is when we reach the most favorable condition or highest level. Progress, on

the other hand, is taking gradual steps forward, moving ahead, constant change or development. When we get started on a journey of wellness we sometimes expect the former which is why we get frustrated and give up. We see no visible results and get discouraged. We think we are not moving forward when, in fact, we are. We revert back to the unhealthy habits of the past figuring what's the use. But if we recognize that gradual, steady effort adds up to results we begin to rewire our mindset and look at our journey more realistically and find our own motivation to stay committed.

Remember how far you have come.

Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have left to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.

Some of us can find motivation and inspiration in watching others succeed. I always tell people you can't beat me because I want us to succeed together. If this kind of inspiration works for you then find influencers that are on a similar to yours, that get you excited about what you are working for. Connect with them, engage and build a support system that will help you stay committed to yourself and your journey. Progress comes more consistently if you have a supportive circle or tribe.

Along my journey I have found it essential to take pictures. I think taking pictures is essential to see how far you have come. We tend to focus on how far we still have to go and get frustrated because we forget where we started. Take pictures along your journey even if you don't post them. They are something to compare as you make progress. Honestly, when I started my journey I didn't post anything. I was so embarrassed that I had let myself go as bad as I did. It wasn't until I started to see big results that I posted my first side-by-side picture. And even now when I look back at my first transformation posts I've come so much further in my journey. And as far as I have come I am still looking forward, working with my trainer to compete on stage later this year. Like I said, our journeys are never done, just constantly changing.

"Don't compare your progress with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance." ~ Jerry Corstens, (

Things to remember in order to make progress on your journey

  1. Know your why. It's your why that will keep you committed to improving your self.

  2. Accept that this is a journey, not a race, and progress sometimes takes time.

  3. Don't compare your journey to someone else's. We all make progress in different ways and in different time.

  4. Once you start. Don't stop. You can up your goals but don't stop.

  5. If life happens (and it does usually in the form of work or home stress, illness, injury, or unexpected life events) give yourself grace but get back to doing you as soon as you are able.

  6. Build a support system of like minded friends, gym buddies, and influencers that are on a similar journey.

  7. Document your journey by keeping a journal and/or taking pictures. As you move forward looking back every once in a while helps you remember how far you have come.

  8. Remember why you started in the first place.

  9. Be patient.

  10. Don't stop.

Come back tomorrow for more inspiration

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