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The importance of a good night's sleep

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. As a competitor for Ms. Health & Fitness 2022, each day I will share something I have learned on my journey to wellness. If I inspire and motivate you on your journey please take a moment to vote. It's quick, it's easy and best of all, it's free. Then come back each day to read more.

An investment in your health and well being

"Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow." ~ Tom Roth

Today I did an informal check-in with my trainer and was disappointed but not surprised when the scale said I gained a pound. A pound may sound insignificant but because I'm in pretty good shape and working on leveling up so I can compete we're fighting for every pound. I was not surprised because I've been doing this long enough to know my body and exactly why today's check-in was disappointing. I have not been sleeping well. Some nights I have trouble falling asleep, while other nights I toss and turn and have a restless night's sleep. Honestly the latter is worse I think. But no matter, if I do not get 6 to 7 hours sleep several nights in a row it impacts my progress, my mood, my appetite, my energy level and my tendonitis. I was so tired yesterday I took a break from writing this blog. Just the thought of sitting in front of a computer gave me a migraine.

We don't realize the importance of getting consistent good sleep each night until we go without it. We all have been there. The stress of a busy schedule, working late, a crying baby, a Netflix binge (and I know a lot of us are watching the new season of The Ozarks) all impact our ability to sleep well. And often even when we know we need good sleep we either can't control the situation or we simply choose to do other things and stay up later than we should. Having a routine that works for our goals and schedule needs to start with our evening routine and a good nights sleep if we want to be successful. But I will be the first to admit that it is not always easy.

The benefits of getting a good nights sleep

Getting a good nights sleep is about more than just wanting to not be tired. Now I'm not a doctor or scientist but I do know that getting 7 or more hours of sleep each night can be beneficial in many ways. As my check-n today showed sleep deprivation affects success in weight loss. Sleep deprivation leads to lack of energy which can cause us to become lazy in meal preparation or even crave certain foods like comfort foods. To make matters worse, feeling tired after a night of too little sleep may leave us feeling unmotivated to hit the gym, go for a walk, or other physical activities.

If you are like me and have a job that requires focus and mental energy lack of sleep can impact our ability to do our job effectively. A good nights sleep is important for our brains to function effectively. Getting a good nights sleep can aid in improving problem-solving skills, improve memory, mental cognition, concentration, and productivity. Physically, a good nights sleep can enhance performance at the gym or on the field, as well as, enhance fine motor skills, reaction time, muscular power and. muscular endurance. On the flip side of that, lack of sleep can put us at risk of injury.

Good sleep benefits us more than just physically or in regards to brain function. A good nights sleep can help strengthen our heart, lower our risk of heart disease and diabetes, lower our risk of depression, support immune system health, lower our risk of immflamuation, as well as, impact our social and emotional well-being.

Remember sleep is part of the program

Remember muscles are torn in the gym, fed in the kitchen and built in bed.

We don't all train the same but it does not matter what our goals are or where we are at in our journey. A good nights sleep is part of the program along with exercise and good nutrition. One day I told my trainer I didn't get all my meals in the night before because I fell asleep. And I will never forget his response. He told me, "I'm a big believer of sleep being more important then food when your body needs it. Getting in a meal when you need sleep is like tripping over a dollar to pick up a penny." And as an English teacher and writer I appreciated and never forgot that analogy. Success in our journeys will not happen simply with good nutrition and exercise alone. We need to make a good nights sleep a priority as well.

Things we can do to get a better nights sleep

  1. When you wake up in the morning step into the light. Morning exposure to light helps reset your body clock, which will actually make it easier to fall asleep at night.

  2. Exercise daily. It doesn't have to be a workout at the gym. Put on your sneakers and take a walk or do a couple laps up and down the stairs. The idea is to move daily.

  3. Make a to do list in the morning and set your intentions for the day to get it done before dinner time or whatever time frame works for you so that you have time to unwind before going to bed without worrying about what you didn't get done that day.

  4. Eat your last meal of the day at least an hour before you are going to bed. Eating to close to bedtime can sometimes cause heartburn.

  5. Avoid drinking coffee or alcohol too close to bedtime.

  6. Diffuse lavender essential oil in the room where you sleep or sprinkle it on your pillow.

  7. Take a warm bath or shower before bed to bring down your body's core temp and help you relax.

  8. Power of devices and turn off the TV before bed.

  9. Play soft relaxing music. I have an Alexa in my room and love to play 'Global Chill' or 'SPA' on Amazon music.

  10. Follow or start an evening routine. (See blog post It's all in your routine for how to do this.)

Come back tomorrow for more inspiration

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